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Code of Conduct

This Code of Conduct was adopted by the organizing committee for ICCC45. We expect that all conference participants, faculty, students, and staff members will support and abide by this Code. Please contact anyone from the organization with suggestions, questions or concerns.
The Code of Conduct was last reviewed in Summer 2023.


Our strength lies in the diversity of our scientific expertise and interests, and in our varied life experiences outside of the academic environment.  We value the voices of all members of our community regardless of nationality, physical ability, learning style, race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, age, rank, sexual orientation, gender, socioeconomic status or other identity. We understand that, historically, many have been excluded and their voices devalued, and we commit to actively combatting that marginalization.  We do this by continuously working to identify and counteract bias and systems of privilege and power that some of us benefit from. We recognize this is work we do within ourselves and in our community.


The participants in our conference meet the constantly growing and changing demands of industry, government, and academia.  We are committed to supporting the development of interpersonal and professional skills such as communication, leadership, and management.

Supportive Environment

Our participants rely on a network of informed and engaged scientists and we provide ample opportunities for networking during the conference.

We accept and welcome diverse peoples and perspectives. Although our participants will arrive at the conference with very different backgrounds and experiences, we will work to help everyone have a great experience. Our goal is to help all our participants identify their goals for the conference and achieve these successfully.


Constructive exploration of ideas and approaches that can be interpreted as criticism is a key component of communicating new research advances.  We expect that our participants will be thoughtful of the language and tone used when communicating opinions, advice and information during the presentations, and that those receiving constructive criticism assume the sharer is well-intended. We encourage those at the conference to adopt the following guidelines when working with others:

  • I will use “I” statements.
  • I will listen when people are talking.
  • I will allow people time to process.
  • I will critique ideas, not people.
  • I will ask for help.
  • I will not ask someone to represent a group.
  • I will treat my colleagues with respect.


Each symposium that is part of the program will be developed collaboratively by at least two organizers of different nationalities.

Rigorous and Ethical Research

As scientists we think creatively and recognize and solve complex problems through the development and testing of hypotheses.  This will be communicated to a broad and yet specialized audience in coordination chemistry.  The work presented will have been developed while adhering to ethical guidelines honoring the highest level of honesty, integrity, transparency, and fairness.  All conference participants are expected to be familiar with and adhere to responsible conduct of research.


The members of our community have commitments to their families, home departments, and research programs that demand their time and effort. Therefore, when our participants freely share their time and expertise we respond by showing up, being engaged and voicing our gratitude.


All members of our community are charged with creating and supporting a welcoming and inclusive environment for learning, teaching and research.  This means intervening when we observe unwanted behaviors or language that may intentionally or unintentionally discriminate or invade personal boundaries.  We applaud those who use their privilege to protect and support those with less power and encourage our members to speak up at the time.  However, if intervention is not feasible or safe, individuals with specific concerns should contact the ICCC organizing committee ( and/or the ICCC Executive Secretary (