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If you design your poster with maximum dimensions of:

  • Height: 36 in (ca. 91 cm)
  • Width: 48 in (ca. 121 cm)

it will fit all the poster boards at this conference.

Display and Awards

Posters can be set up on Monday morning and kept up until Friday morning, after which we ask that you take your poster down (otherwise, it may be disposed of).

If you would like to be considered for poster awards, then you should be present at your poster during the Monday and Tuesday evening poster sessions (5:45pm–7:00pm).


This conference will have posters dispersed throughout the conference center in several different rooms.

Your poster is associated with a track (the one you submitted your abstract to) and a specific symposium within this track. Please see the Symposia or Schedule pages to confirm which track the symposium belongs to.

Based on which track your poster is associated with, your poster will be in:

Symposia TrackPoster Location
Track 1
The Intersections of Coordination Chemistry, Biology, and Medicine
Never No Summer (Room 387)
Track 2
Materials Chemistry Through the Lens of Coordination
University Ballroom (Room 399a)
Track 3
Unravelling the Mysteries and Applications of Heavy-elements (4f, 5f)
University Ballroom (Room 399a)
Track 4
Coordination Chemistry Solutions to Global Challenges in Energy and Sustainability
Room 390
Track 5
3D-Coordination Networks, Polymers, and Organometallic Compounds
Never No Summer (Room 387)
Theatre (Room 201TH)
Track 6
Current and Future Visions in Coordination Chemistry
Rooms 376/378

Poster Numbers

Your assigned poster will have two numbers indicated by X (YYY), with:

  • X – The sequential poster number in the list of posters in the order of Track 1–6.
    This is how your poster boards will be labeled in the rooms.
  • YYY – The abstract number you got when you registered.
    Poster judges will use the abstract number to to help find your poster.

For example, if your assigned poster number is 65 (543) and your poster is associated with a Track 2 symposium, then:

  • your poster will be in the University Ballroom (Room 399a)
    (where Track 2 posters are displayed — see poster locations by track)
  • your board in that room will be labeled with the number 65
  • your abstract number is 543